#watched #HeavyObject Ep10

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

Winding down the day by watching Heavy Object Ep10 ... To find the Princess' butt staring back from the screen (I not that hentai to leer at an underaged girl's anime butt, okay?), and a massive load of exposition explaining the geopolitics of this episode ... One thing about this anime is the heavy exposition every episode, actually ... I appreciate the world building, but ... Then there is the pole dancing, so to be fair, there is some semblance of "balance" out there hahahaha

Not my keenest ep so far, and my interest is waning, I have to admit.

A photo posted by TOYSREVIL (@toysrevil) on

... What is with the pole dancing already? Hahahahaha #watched #HeavyObject #anime Ep10 #inototaku

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