Attack on Titan - Colossal Titan Northern Japan Souvenir Straps

Attack on Titan Northern Japan fisherman souvenir strap #hokkaido

A photo posted by Don @datadub Kratzer (@datadub) on

Saw this on Don's IG-stream and immediately knew I wanted one! And as well marveled at the fact that an anime property ("Attack On Titan" = one of my favs, no less LOL) has been licensed to a concept-product such as this, is both hilarious and inspiring! "Colossal Titan" sure gets around, doesn't he? … of course I am assuming this is "licensed" … now to find a way to track his down…!

ADDED: Aaaaand there's another one!

Got Milk? Attack on Titan Souvenir strap #hokkaido

A photo posted by Don @datadub Kratzer (@datadub) on


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