Announced at the Anime Japan 2023 event on Netflix, was "Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune", with the Opening Sequence revealed online:
This series is an animated adaptation of a brand-new military science fiction novel from Carlo Zen, author of "The Saga of Tanya the Evil." A young man named Akira volunteers to join a planetary orbital infantry force called "Yakitori" in hopes of changing his life. What does fate have in store for him?
Watch teaser trailer for #Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune (#Anime on #Netflix) on:#TOYSREVIL:!:
— toysrevil (@toysrevil) March 29, 2023
Select screengrabs here, see thread for key visual / poster, cheers.#iliketeevee
Evoking the palette and imagery I'd associate with Moebius and European sci-fi fantasy illustration, I am excited for this! Except for the key visual / poster featuring an aesthetic style that reeks different than the opening sequence we see above... hhhmmm....
Directed by Hideki Abo, with screenplay by Miho Sakai and Character design by Atsushi Yamagata, the music is by Ken Ishii - the only name I recognised immediately, and got me screen grabbing this in ernest LOL
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