Fanart film posters created by UK-based Olly Moss dedicated to Studio Ghibli animated films, featuring a trio of my favourites: "Spirited Away", "Howl's Moving Castle" and "My Neighbour Totoro"! Both Spirited and Howl were done for Mondo as (licensed) silk-screen posters exclusive to San Diego Comic Con 2013. Check out more of his work on (all images here via).
Fanart film posters created by UK-based Olly Moss dedicated to Studio Ghibli animated films, featuring a trio of my favourites: "Spirited Away", "Howl's Moving Castle" and "My Neighbour Totoro"! Both Spirited and Howl were done for Mondo as (licensed) silk-screen posters exclusive to San Diego Comic Con 2013. Check out more of his work on (all images here via).
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