Featured above is the End Credits dance seen in PS4’s “World of Final Fantasy”, with all the Final Fantasy characters in chibi-form! The video has since been dubbed over with the tune “You reposted in the wrong neighborhood” - which Behind The Meme explains as;
"You reposted in the wrong neighborhood is a popular and catchy remix song that has become a popular trend online. The song is often posted in various remix videos that has people or characters dancing in tune with the music. The music is a remix of two songs, "Casin" by glue70 and "shake that" by eminem and nate dogg, they were combined by a sound cloud profile of an artist named SHOKK."Here’s the exact same end-credits chili-video, but with the track:
All the above was brought to my attention with interest from the video below, which appeared on my Facebook feed (Thanks Shantel Knight!) … C’mon, you know this is CUTE, do don’t fight it … EMBRACE THE CUTENESS!
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