"Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition (Japan Animator Expo), the anime shorts project from Hideaki Anno's Studio Khara and the media company Dwango, announced on Friday that it will release a short animation titled "Mobile Police Patlabor Reboot." The 10-minute short will debut as an extra during Japan Animator Expo's one-week screening event beginning on October 15." (Reported www.animenewsnetwork.com)
”The screening event will take place at Tokyo's Shinjuku Baltic 9 and Osaka's Umeda Burg 7. The theaters will sell a special "early theater edition" Blu-ray Disc, which includes art by Naoyuki Asano and storyboards by Yasuhiro Yoshiura. This Blu-ray disc will also include a soundtrack CD and will cost 7,000 yen (about US$67). A limited edition Blu-ray Disc with the same extras will ship on October 26 for 5,000 yen (about US$48), and a DVD will ship on the same day for 3,000 yen (about US$29).”
(Above stills via animatorexpo.com)
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