"Attack on Titan, The Movie: Part 2, also known as Attack on Titan: End of the World (進撃の巨人 エンド オブ ザ ワールド Shingeki no Kyojin Endo obu za wārudo?, lit. Attack on Titan End of the World) is a live-action movie, directed by Shinji Higuchi and written by Yusuke Watanabe and Tomohiro Machiyama, based on the Attack on Titan manga created by Hajime Isayama.
It was released in Japan on September 19, 2015, and is slated for a US & Canada released on October 20. It is the continuation of Attack on Titan, The Movie: Part 1, released earlier on August 1 (Japan) and September 30 (US & Canada)." (Full Spoilers on shingekinokyojin.wikia.com)
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